OA Dr. Markus Wille
Specialist in Trauma Surgery and Sports Traumatology
Specializations: Foot and Ankle Surgery
Languages: German/English/Español
My ordination hours
1 pm until 2 pm
- Surgical and conservative fracture treatment of the upper and lower extremities
- Soft Tissue and Tendon Surgery
- Surgery for nerve constriction syndromes
- Reconstructive Bone Surgery, Pseudarthrosis Surgery
- Arthroscopic Meniscus Surgery
Specialty: Foot and Ankle Surgery
Surgical treatment of acute and chronic damage to the foot and spin joint, including:
- All bony and soft tissue injuries to the foot and ankle
- Surgical correction of complex foot deformities
- Surgery for arthritic changes in the foot and ankle joint
- Realignment and fusion surgeries, artificial joint replacement of the upper ankle joint
- Arthroscopic surgery on the ankle joint
- Stabilization surgeries on the upper and lower ankle joint
- Achilles tendon surgery incl. Replacement surgeries, lengthenings, etc.
- Cartilage transfer at the upper ankle joint
- Tendon reconstructions
- Motor replacement surgery for nerve damage – e.g. peroneal palsy
- Forefoot surgery and hallux surgery
Personal Details
Education and previous professional career
- 10/1994: Start of medical studies at the University of Innsbruck
- 12/1995 – 02/2000: Work as a demonstrator at the Institute of Anatomy. During this time, involvement in 5 dissection courses, 13 surgical courses, as well as numerous lectures.
- 03/1996 – 02/1997: Advanced training in anatomy under Prof. Platzer
- 10/1998 – 02/1999: Elective training in orthopedics under Prof. Frischhut
- 02/2000 – 07/2000: Erasmus semester abroad at the “Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona”
- 07/2000: Medical doctorate Famulatur in Zams, Innsbruck, Hall, Salzburg, Barcelona
Postdoctoral Education:
- 09/2000 – 03/2001: Medical intern at the Regional Hospital (UKH) Bregenz
- 04/2001 – 05/2001: Medical intern at the State Hospital (LKH) Bregenz
- 05/2001 – 12/2001: Medical intern at the BKH Reutte i. Tirol
- 01/2002 – 04/2002: Assistant physician in an orthopaedic teaching practice (Dr. Gehmacher) in Innsbruck
- 06/2002 – 12/2003: Assistant physician at the BKH Reute
- 02/2004 – 01/2007: Assistant Physician for Trauma Surgery at the University Hospital Innsbruck
- 2007: Licence to practise as a specialist in trauma surgery
- 01/2007 – 02/2013: Senior physician at the University Clinic for Trauma Surgery / Innsbruck – Foot Team
- Ab 03/2010: Radiation protection officer of the Department of Trauma Surgery at the University Hospital Innsbruck
- 10/11/2010: Patient and Employee-oriented leadership (58h)
- From 01/2012: Deputy Team Leader of the Foot Team at the University Hospital Innsbruck
- 05/2013: Additive subject Sports Traumatology
- From 02/2013: Team leader of the foot team at the University Hospital Innsbruck
- February 2013: Senior physician in charge of medical wards
- From 01/2016: Chief Senior Physician
- From 05/2016: Senior physician at Wilhelminen Hospital, team leader for “Foot and Ankle”, attending physician at Rudolfinerhaus

My ordination hours
1 pm until 2 pm